Here are some a size comparisons shot to show the kinds of units I'm working with in 3mm for Future War Commander!
From the left to the right, we have a conventional infantry squad (O8 Israeli infantry), an armored infantry squad (Germy Bugger 2mm power armor sold through GZG), a power armor or walker squad (Scottia 6mm power armor) and a mecha (DP9 fleet scale gear). No, the conventional infantry unit didn't get overly excited: that's varnish that's still drying.
Same line up, this time doubled and with a GZG "Hound Dog" walker on the left (also by Germy Bugger). You'll notice that the infantry have found time to use their hankies and clean themselves up here.
More spoogey conventional infantry.
Two power armor troopers and a mecha. In the game scale of 1/600, the power armor is about 5.5 meters tall, the mecha about 9-10.
And here are three shots of my power armor battalion's command stand. I attempted to make a mini-diorama. The commander pops the cockpit on his armor to oversee two armored infantry soldiers as they field strip the remains of a destroyed power armor suit: