New here are three battalions of Hungarian troops, two more batteries of artillery and four squadrons of hussars to go with the five battalions of infantry and one battery that I have previously painted up.
The Austrians will eventually get another three battalions of infantry, six squadrons of chevauxlegers, four squadrons of cuirassiers, and two battalions of grenadiers, as well as a regiment of Grenzers and a jaeger battalion. The light infantry is already on the painting table.
The entire army, as it is so far.
The Hungarians! Note that the labels aren't correct at this point: they're just added in to give me an idea of what they will look like in terms of color and composition.
Hussars! These guys were actually pretty fun to paint, as I will show below....
Finally, here's how I painted the hussars. Going from right to left, you can see the application of each individual color, in fourteen individual stages.